
Commissions on Diocesan, Deanery & Parish Levels

The mission of NCCW is carried out through the work of three Commissions, each under the direction of a National Commission Chair and encouraged to be mirrored at the diocesan, deanery, and local parish levels.


Reinforces faith and supports service to the Church and to the world throughdiscipleship and spiritual growth. It serves as a conduit for helping councils focus on the spiritual aspects of our faith and how we can act on our convictions in the public sphere. The commission also encourages legislative advocacy at the local, state, and national levels guided by Catholic social teaching.


Provides organizational  development, leadership training, public relations resources, and publications to ensure the successful organization and management of Council and its programs. A further aim of the Leadership Commission is to establish our organization as a leader in the Catholic Church and in our local, state, national, and world communities. NCCW  has led the way with programs that recognize the basic human dignity of all persons, such as those on domestic violence and human trafficking and in the protection of the dignity of life and respect for life from conception to natural death.


†Supports and enhances the importance of family within the church and society. The Commission works to assist families in achieving a truly Christian life and to carry out their responsibilities within Church, the civic community,
and the world.

† Engage the members and all people in working to address the needs and concerns of their individual communities. It focuses on action that affects the growth, productivity, and well-being of all people especially women and children and the community in which they live.

† Promotes global solidarity and the conviction that wealth and resources must be shared with all peoples. The Commission creates awareness and educates about the needs of  women and children throughout the world.